There is a wholesome and gratifying feeling in picking your own produce, and you can do so at Garsons Farm in Surrey. Garsons Farm is one of the UK’s largest Pick Your Own farms, with the vast green fields span over 155 acres.
This fun yet inexpensive green-fingered activity is particularly popular during England’s summer months. It provides fresh, high-quality yield at lower prices whilst immersing yourself in nature. Definitely more fulfilling than a trip to the supermarket.
Getting there
The family-owned farm is located 15 miles from the centre of London. Trains depart from Waterloo to Esher or Hersham, from where you can take a short taxi ride, bus or walk (approximately 40 minutes).
Crop availability
The farm utilises organic manures and green practices to grow 30 crops totalling over 75 different varieties. Picking season runs from June to October with crops subject to seasonal change. Vibrant sunflowers, succulent strawberries, deep red beetroot and more are currently available. Check the site for a full list of crop availability (

A pick-your-own “farm pass” is required and must be booked online in advance. Entry slots are every 30 minutes, Monday to Saturday 9am – 4.00pm and Sunday 10.00am – 4.00pm. The farm closes at 5.00pm and you may arrive up to one hour from the time booked. If the entry time you require is not available, keep checking the site as new slots may be released, depending on crop availability. Dates/times may also be changed with sufficient notice.

The farm covers a lot of ground, so a car is advisable, but it is possible to walk around. Get lost in a field of corn, feel the gratification of pulling beetroot from the earth and gently twist the apples off the trees.
The farm provides punnets enabling you to pick juicy strawberries, raspberries and deliciously sweet Victoria plums. The healthy crop selection, fresh country air and extensive lush farmland mean it is easy to lose track of time here immersed in the simple things in life.
Whatever you pick is charged by gross weight. The value of the farm pass is deducted from the total bill of produce equal or of a higher value than the farm pass price. Now, isn’t that good value for money?!

There is also a garden centre providing a varied selection, from plants, trees and shrubs to homewares, toys and clothing.
To refuel, the restaurant at the rear of the garden centre provides pastries, cooked breakfasts and basic lunches like toasties and jacket potatoes.
Opposite the Garden Centre is the farm shop. The shop is stocked with its own fruit and vegetable produce during the growing season, picked from the farm each morning. It also provides a selection of traditional cakes and even creates bespoke cheese wedding cakes from the fully-loaded cheese counter, as well as locally-made wines, beers and ciders.
Recommended? – very! I felt much satisfaction leaving with sunflowers, strawberries, raspberries, plums, corn and beetroot totalling a mere £3.76, once the farm pass price was deducted.
Following this simple, healthy and fulfilling event, the quintessentially British thing to do after picking strawberries would be to make jam or a Victoria sponge cake, but I opted for a Daiquiri. Life is all about balance, after all!
Adult Farm Pass £4.00 (Aged 15 + years)
Child Farm Pass £1.00 (Aged 2-14 years)
Infant Farm Pass Free (Aged 0 – 24 months)
Tip: Take something to cut the sunflowers with.
Garsons, Winterdown Road, West End, Esher, Surrey, KT10 8LS