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Because I love the way the melanin pops! 💕🤍 ...

62 14

Spring in my step!✨️

BTW - I still have two legs 😆

53 17

Desert island vibes. 🏝 🐚 🌴🍸🌞

It felt like I was shipwrecked on the most idyllic island.

Hearing nothing but the chime of seashells.

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I`ve got the cheek to buy another plant after falling on my last one when I returned home from Notting Hill Carnival rummed up.

I still feel the pain physically and emotionally from losing my cactus (RIP Prick James).

I`m turning into a serial (plant) killer, but I`m going to try again. I`ve bought a ZZ plant this time.

Pun names welcome 😊🪴 ✨️

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Mentally, I`m still here! ...

32 1

Bahia is where Brasil started yet is often overlooked on the tourist itinerary, or Salvador visited for a few days.

Salvador, Bahia, is Brasil`s first capital and the heart of the country’s Afro-Brasilian community. It`s the most African city outside of Africa, and somewhere I`ve wanted to visit for a long time.

I spent my whole trip in Bahia, and I wish I could have stayed longer.

Part of my stay was based in Salvador, just outside the historic centre - Pelourinho.

Other neighbourhoods visited:

Rio Vermelho

I did an Afro-Brasilian heritage tour, a Samba de Roda class, and attended a Candomblé ceremony.

Islands visited

Boipeba 💚🌴🌞🇧🇷✨️
Morro de São Paulo

The drums pulsating through the cobbles of Pelourinho in Salvador will forever be etched in my memory and heart, and the laidback Bahian living in Boipeba - paradise. I didn’t want to leave!

The energy of Pelourinho has been transformed since the days of its grim past and the spirit of our ancestors live on through the beat of the drum in the many afro blocos, capoeira, Candomblé and samba that against the odds have become cultural staples of Brasil.

It was hard work at times with my limited Portuguese, but I got by and at other times just hoped I was going in the right direction 😆

The only thing I wish I did different is book a flexible flight and extend my stay. 💚🇧🇷✨️

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I love the simple living in Boipeba. I want this to be my new beachfront apartment 😆😊💚🇧🇷✨️ ...

28 1

Wishing you all an abundantly fruitful 2025.

May you manifest all your heart`s desires #axé 💖💡 ✨️🪶

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Salvador, Bahia is famous for its blocos.

Samba-reggae was first played publicly by an Afro Bloco called Ilê Aiyê in the early 70s and then by Olodum and numerous since. Both Olodum and Ile Aiye and all Afro Blocos are known for their protest songs.

Afro blocos are neighbourhood based communities that encourage racial awareness, self-esteem, education, and general wellness of the neighbourhood.  

It`s common to hear drumming in Pelourinho, and my ears would follow the direction it was coming from.

Drums are present in every facet of Afro-Brasilian culture.They are used in the religious ceremonies of Candomblé, Samba-Reggae, and during Capoeira. 

I saw a few blocos while in Salvador and I loved them all but the feminine energy of @didabandafeminina , the first Brazilian female afro percussion band (here with an honorary male) stood out as one of my favourites. 🥁🪘🇧🇷💚✨️

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32 1

Paraiso! 🇧🇷

Yesterday was a dream. Riding some fierce waves in a speedboat and visiting some of the island’s natural pools, and this was the highlight.

Disembarking at this bar at a natural pool in the sea, drinking caipirinhas out of cacau (cocoa) and eating a delicious pastel with camarão and banana (shrimp and plantain).

It almost brought me to tears!

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Though Rio is the first place that comes to mind for many when you mention Brasil, I have long wanted to visit Salvador, Bahia, due to its history.

It was one of the first colonial cities in the Americas and Brasil`s first capital.

Pelourinho is the historic centre of Salvador (Centro Histórico) and though colourful, vibrant, and a main tourist area following major restoration in the 90s, its history is dark.

Pelourinho means whipping post or pillar in Portuguese and is where slaves were tied to and punished. The area is the old slave auction location, and many of the huge cathedrals and mansions in the area were built by enslaved Africans.

Around 40% of Africans transported in the transatlantic slave trade came to Brazil, and the country has the largest black population outside of Africa.

Salvador, Bahia is the heart of the country’s Afro-Brazilian community and there’s no other place in the western hemisphere where the culture of those brought as enslaved people from Africa has been preserved as it has been in Salvador – from music and religion to food, dance and martial-arts traditions.

Samba, Capoeira, and Candomblé are three Brazilian cultural staples from Black Brazilians and drums are the heartbeat of Salvador, especially in the Pelourinho area where you will hear the beat of the drum 🥁 late into the night.

It is no coincidence that Michael Jackson filmed much of his video "They Don’t Care About Us" in the main square of the Pelourinho with Olodum and you can go up to the balcony where he stood and take a photo with a poster of him.

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Domingo na praia 🇧🇷 ...

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One that`s long been on my travel bucket list. My third time in Brazil, but my first time in Salvador Bahia 🇧🇷

#salvadorbahia #bahia #brazil #africa #ashe #asé #solofemaletravel #wanderlust #queenonajourney

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