Why should you travel solo? Some people won’t even go out for a meal alone, never mind on holiday, and many will resort to being in bad company rather than no company. Therefore, solo travel may seem like a rarity to some, and the idea of jetting off alone could be daunting.
However, travelling alone can bring about many positive life changes from facing yourself and your fears alone. That said, for those who don’t travel solo until later in life, the older you become, making that first move is very bold. It can be scary to venture out into the world alone, but you will soon realise it isn’t as bad or uncommon as you told yourself. If you’re fearful, remember that fear tends to be like candy floss. It melts upon contact.
As comforting as it may be to have someone with you during your travels, I believe travelling alone is where you find yourself most.
If you have never tried it, here are 13 reasons why you should travel solo. Even if it’s just once:

1. Your time is your own
When travelling solo, you don’t have to make the compromises you ordinarily do in a group. In other words, you can be selfish, and, believe it or not, sometimes that’s ok! You can come and go when you want or book a last-minute flight without seeing if it fits into anyone else’s plans.
While on your solo sojourn, your mind is not preoccupied with whether others in the group are happy with your choice of what to do.
You can make your schedule (or not) on your terms. Whether it’s deciding where to go next, where and when to eat, how much time to spend at a particular place or which tours to do – your time is your own. That kind of freedom is underrated.

2. You can be in the moment
Solo travel allows you to be present and absorb the moment. All the human senses come to life and bring about wonderment and gratitude for the smallest of things. It’s like entering a new world of love and appreciation for the moment and life.
You can fully immerse yourself in the experience and your surroundings and learn much from it. When travelling in a group, the moment can be missed by distractions. Solo travel allows the opportunity to focus on where you are as opposed to who you are with, therefore making it a much richer experience.

3. You meet more people
Don‘t think travelling solo means you will be alone – far from it! At times, people don’t leave you alone! I am approached far more when travelling solo than when with other people. When in a group, other people are less likely to interrupt.
Travelling solo, you are more open to people, and they will be more open to you. When solo, you are much more accessible and approachable, which can be both good and bad, but mostly good!

4. Improves Confidence
Your self-confidence increases as a result of doing things that you once would have never imagined and being like – “yeah, I did that”. As a result, you will begin to celebrate yourself more, believe in yourself and trust your judgment. You will then be willing to take more risks. Confidence will improve with every trip because, with every trip, you will believe in yourself that bit more.

5. You Will Feel Empowered
Note my tagline is empowerment through travel. Solo travel will make you feel more empowered, and you will evolve with each trip. This, in part, is due to the challenges that you will overcome on your solo journeys.
Travelling to countries that may be considered more of a challenge due to language barriers, culture, safety etc. and navigating it all makes you feel unstoppable!
Remember that the more you research your chosen destination (safety, cultural norms, language, etc.), the better equipped you will be to handle just about anything.

6. Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone
When you move differently from your usual norm, it is not comfortable. Stepping out of that zone of comfort and travelling solo can be uncomfortable at first, but your comfort zone will expand.
A comfort zone is a situation in which you feel comfortable, but your ability and determination are not being tested. Don’t get me wrong, the comfort zone can be a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there. You will feel extremely proud of yourself when you push through the barrier and step out of your comfort zone, not letting fear rule your life.
When you do something that scares you or makes you feel uncomfortable, you are allowing yourself to develop into a more evolved version of yourself.

7. Self-Discovery
As well as discovering the world, travelling allows the opportunity to discover yourself in the new surroundings of a foreign country. Therefore, solo travel will lead to great discovery, both internally and externally.
You will come to understand your true essence without the labels. Essentially, being out of your comfort zone yet still being independent means you will return home expanded, having experienced important personal development and a deeper innerstanding of self.
Travel is one of the few things you can buy in life that makes you richer.
8. Broadens Perspective
You will return from your solo travels with a new perspective on life. Travelling solo broadens your mind, the way you think about yourself, people and the world.
From the first courageous move, and every one after, each destination is an experience that offers a new or further perspective.
You will also become more open to the learning opportunities that arise. Travelling solo brings about a new perspective on life outside of your usual norm and, you will therefore become a more well-rounded person.
Meeting new people, experiencing new things and different cultures, seeing how others live or hearing stories from locals can give you a completely different perspective on your own life.

9. Personal Growth
It’s natural to feel scared or nervous about the unknown, but when you feel the fear and do it anyway, that is personal growth, and a mind once stretched never returns to its original dimension.
Travel generally is enriching and going to somewhere you have never been before, particularly outside of your own country, and alone, gives you a great experience to see and understand things differently. Additionally, when you incorporate those experiences into your daily life, it leads to personal growth beyond measure.
10. You’ll Become More Organised
You get to learn so much about the places you visit while travelling solo due to the amount of research undertaken before going. Research is imperative as you are responsible for yourself with no backup. You, therefore, become super-organised.

11. You Are Not Alone
When you do eventually venture on your solo female travels, you will come to realise that we are not alone. There are loads of solo female travellers out there, and you will bump into plenty of travellers, both male and female, very happily on their solo travels.
12. Inspire Others
On your solo travels, you will meet some interesting people with humbling stories to tell. Some will be courageous and awe-inspiring locals, and others will be fellow fearless solo travellers. There will be many people who will inspire you, and you, in turn, will inspire others. You may also inspire others to do the same when they see what positive effects solo travel has had on you. Yes, they will notice and want some of that too!

13. It’s Life-Changing
When you realise that you’re more capable than you gave yourself credit for, nothing can hold you back. It feels great to grab life and shake it without waiting on anyone. You’ll find you won’t depend on anyone to be happy and find more happiness in small moments.
You will fall in love with the sense of inner peace and happiness that comes with being comfortable with yourself and the freedom to be who you want and be defined by no one.
Solo Travel changes who you are as a person for all the reasons stated above, and you may not even realise it is happening. It brings out a whole different side of who you are as an individual.
Have I convinced you as to the reasons why you should travel solo? Are you considering your first solo trip? Want some tips? Check them out here 11 Top tips for first time Solo Female Travellers.
Go for it, even if it’s just once!