As daunting as the thought of travelling as a solo female in a foreign country may be, being the queens that we are, we will rise to the challenge.
The journey itself and the personal growth that follows from solo travel is both fulfilling and empowering.
Once you have travelled on your own a few times, it becomes second nature. In fact, it may even become slightly addictive. You will become more confident in the process and rely on your instincts and inner knowledge to make the best decisions for yourself.
According to the latest statistics, 81% of solo female travellers are over 45 years old. Undoubtedly, no matter how old you are, it’s never too late to try something new. To get you started on your first solo adventure, here are 11 tips for solo female travellers.
These solo female travel tips are not listed in any particular order, but each one is important.
1. Research in advance

Research is essential to ensure that your trip goes as smoothly as possible. To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail. Have a detailed itinerary and understand your destination.
Instead of listening to scaremongering, find out the facts. Learn everything you can about your chosen destination – language, hand gestures, customs, current political standing, etc.
Check out tour companies, reviews and blogs in advance and book solo travel-friendly hotels in a good location, bearing in mind how you are going to get about.
Check public transport timetables. See if there is Uber available as your journey can be tracked and also check out a few taxi services.
2. Trust your instincts
Our gut instinct is our immediate understanding of something. We have it to help us survive. More often than not, that strong instinct you had about someone or something probably turned out to be true.
Your instincts are there to protect you. If a situation or person doesn’t feel right, then it probably isn’t. Conversely, if you get a positive feeling, don’t be afraid to go with that either.
3. Try to blend in

I know we were born to stand out, but in this case, blend in as much as possible. By this, I mean, try to think and act like a local. As tourists, we can often stick out, attracting unwanted attention.
Try to dress according to culture. If in an Islamic country, dress modestly. Also, try to learn the basics of the local language. Locals appreciate it when you make an effort. It is also important when it comes to asking for help and directions.
Learning the local language helps make you less of a target. You may pick up on odd words that may alert you to anything suspicious.
4. Keep your possessions safe
Only take out what you need and try to avoid flashing valuables – jewellery, phones etc. about. Don’t carry too much money on the road and take a card for backup.
Take the minimal out with you and make sure your money is easily accessible, and you don’t have to pull everything out of your bag. Have change handy and be aware of any local scams.
5. Step out of your comfort zone

Keep safety in mind while travelling, but also make the most of your experience! Step (even further) out of your comfort zone by taking part in a tour or activity that you have never done before. This is also a great way to meet people.
Though you should not trust people too quickly, or share too much information, be open to making friends. You will meet many other solo travellers and other amazing people along the way, who you may form long-term friendships with.
6. Be aware of your surroundings
Avoid walking around with headphones on. If you’re listening to music while walking down the street, you cannot hear what is going on around you.
Also, not listening and observing means you are not present and therefore missing out on the beauty of the environment. Being aware of your surroundings is the easiest way to feel safe.
7. Stay connected
Send your itinerary to a family member or friend before you depart, so they know your movements.
Keep in touch with family and friends regularly and stay connected on social media. If nothing else, it’s a good tracking app. With this in mind, wait until you have left a certain location or attraction before posting a photo.
Though they may not be able to assist you immediately, staying connected with your family puts their minds at rest while providing you with added security.
8. Don’t drink too much

Drink to enjoy, but try to avoid putting yourself in a vulnerable situation. Be mindful of the fact that you are in unfamiliar territory.
Alcohol impairs decision-making abilities and clouds judgement. When travelling alone as a female, drink sensibly. If you have a low tolerance to alcohol, it might be best to avoid it altogether.
9. Get an international phone plan
You may not need to make calls, but in case of emergency, make sure you are covered by an international call plan or buy a SIM card at your destination.
Connecting to WiFi isn’t always possible. In any event, print out all necessary information in advance in case something happens to your phone.
10. Walk with confidence

Even if you don’t feel confident in the moment, try to act like you know exactly what you’re doing.
Walk with purpose. Women who appear assertive are less likely to be targeted. People can easily pick up on your energy. Confidence is powerful – exude it!
11. Pack light
To quote Erykah Badu, “Pack light”. No one wants to be lugging a tonne of luggage about (emotionally or physically!), especially if you are travelling to many locations. I know it’s hard for a lot of us women, but pack the essentials and nothing more.
Where possible, take hand luggage to avoid queues at check-in and having to wait around for it at your destination. It also avoids anything getting lost in transit.
In conclusion
Be consciously aware of yourself and your surroundings, and you should have no problems. Stay positive to attract that energy into your adventure.
Though the thought of travelling solo may be scary, the act isn’t at all. Do not let your fears limit you. Not only will you discover more of the world, but you will discover new parts of yourself too.